There were reports doing the rounds in Tamil Media that Rekha Krishnappa, a popular Kannada TV actress had died in a car accident on May 5. But now, it turns all these reports were NOT true. The actress is very much alive and clarified herself on social media. She took to FACEBOOK to confirm the news - 'I am all fine present in Sringeri. sharada petta temple, read her post. Currently, she is travelling with her family. Well, fans can heave a sigh of relief.
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Reports of her death had been doing the rounds since morning. As per reports on IBT, she was killed in a road accident at the Chennai-Bengaluru National Highway near Sunnampukuttai village Vellore. Reports further stated - she died on the stop while the other three - Abishek kumaran, Jayachandran, Raksha were badly injured . But of course, this report has turned out false.
She is a popular Kannada TV actress. She is known for her role as Deivamagal in a Tamil TV series by the same name. She plays the main antagonist. The serial also stars actors - Krishna and Vani Bhojan in the lead. The soap Opera completed four years of its run in April 2017. She has also worked across the Telugu and Malayalam industry.
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DEIVAMAGAL SERIAL ACTRESS HOT MOMENTS,SATHYA,GAYATHRI,THAARANI &VINOTHINI. Tamil Deivamagal serial actress vani bhojan, Role name Sathya Priya. Shabnam Biography Shabnam is an Indian Actress, who is working in Tamil television industry. She was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Shabnam made her acting debut in the Tamil television serial “Deivamagal” along with Siddanth Venkatesh, director by S.Kumaran produced by Vikatan Televistas. She also acted with well known television actors like Krishna, Auditor Sridhar. Anita Iyer is a Tamil television actress best known for her role in the much acclaimed serial ‘Deivamagal’, which is being broadcasted on Sun TV since 2013. The serial was premiered on March 23, 2013. The show has been so well received by the audience that it has been remade in Malayalam and Telugu languages too.